Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 128

Ye Shaoyang immediately understood how these women fit in the jugs; they fit because their limb had been chopped off . . . it was difficult for him to accept this fact . Even so, Ye Shaoyang still approached them and used his hand to get a sample from the jug . He smelled it and said with a sigh, “It\'s corpse oil and some other materials used for witchcraft . ”

“Is it to prevent the bodies from bleeding out and rotting?” Old Guo asked .

“It might even be nutrition for them, preventing their bodies from dying,” Ye Shaoyang looked at them and asked, “Tell me, how long have you three been like this?”

“Almost three months…” the woman began to cry again, “We . . . couldn’t even kill ourselves; please save us, or . . . or at least kill us, please…”

When he heard this, Ye Shaoyang became extremely angry, as this may be the cruelest method of Gu arts he had witnessed; chopping their limbs off and trapping them inside a jug for three months! Who could be this sick!?

“Damn it!” Xiao Ma clenched his teeth and fists in anger, “Quickly, help them out Little Ye!”

Ye Shaoyang arrived before one of the women and closely examined the centipede . Its head bit on the inside of one of the eye sockets, while its body looked black, thick and shiny . Even though he knew nothing of the Gu arts, Ye Shaoyang could logically deduce that the centipede probably fed off of the woman\'s flesh and blood . The black string that stitched the centipede into the eye sockets of the woman must have been to hold it place, preventing the woman from shaking it off .

“I’ll have to kill the centipede before we do anything else; this is to prevent it from doing something strange if we move you . Please bear the pain for a slight moment . ” After he said that, Ye Shaoyang proceeded to take out the Maoshan Eighteen Acupuncture needles . He picked out the largest needle and applied some of his own blood to it . First, he took a deep breath to calm his hands, and then Ye Shaoyang proceeded to prick the centipede with that needle .

The centipede immediately felt pain . As its head and neck were tied down, the centipede could only wiggle its body and try to bury deeper into the eye sockets .

“Ah…!” the woman screamed and her head began to tremble badly .

Ye Shaoyang quickly let out a shot of Gang Qi through the needle and into the centipede . As soon as he did that, the centipede became limp, and a black liquid flowed out from its tail .

Ye Shaoyang also performed these series of actions for the other women . Soon, all the centipedes were out . Ye Shaoyang wiped off the sweat from his forehead, as he had never done anything that was so stressful .

“Thank you . Now, please save us from here… . ” the three women pleaded to Ye Shaoyang with very sad voices .

Ye Shaoyang let out a sigh and said, “I’m sorry, but you three have . . . almost no chance of survival . ”

When Xiao Ma heard this, he immediately protested, “How is that possible? Aren’t they alive right now?”

Ye Shaoyang gave him a look and explained, “Their limbs have been completely chopped off . Even if we can stop the bleeding, they would almost zero chance of surviving . The only reason they are still alive is because of this Soul Binding Needle… . ”

As he explained, he used his right hand to gently touch one of the woman’s forehead . Then, he felt the needle and pulled it out, which revealed a black needle that was as thin as a strand of hair . He proceeded to do the same for the other two and elaborated,

“These Soul Binding Needles were used to fix their souls in place . Add to that the effects of the water, their bodies did not rot . But this suffering is worse than death… . ”

Then, he turned to the three women and said, “I’m terribly sorry, but there is no chance of helping you three get back to normal . All I can do is send you guys down to the Underworld . What you have suffered through will be repaid as good fortune in your next life . ” Determined to avenge the three women, Ye Shaoyang said to the three, “I, Ye Shaoyang, promise to bring justice for you three!”

When the three women heard that they were practically dead, they did not feel a sliver of sadness . Instead, they teared up with happiness . They immediately thanked Ye Shaoyang . Even if their bodies would perish, the women would still choose to die over their current state .

Ye Shaoyang swiftly wrote three Soul Guiding Talisman Papers and stuck one onto each of the foreheads of the three women . Then he sat down, shut his eyes and began to intone the Chant of Transcendence,

“Ashes to ashes, earth to earth . The cycle of life and death will perpetuate with Yin Yang . Be it reward or punishment, Yama\'s Book of Justice shall tally every detail . Go now to the River of Forgetfulness and drink the soup Meng Po . Forget the suffering of this life and go reincarnate… . ”

A soft blanket of golden light came out from the three talisman papers and covered the three women . Then, the three souls were slowly taken out of their bodies and brought into the talisman paper… .

With that accomplished, Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath and sighed . He walked over, took off the talisman papers, plucked off a few strands of his own hair, and placed the hair inside the talisman paper . Then, he let the talisman paper go, and it flew out the from chimney .

“What’s with the hair?” Xiao Ma asked out of puzzlement .

“Those are his second life virtues . . . he gave it to the three women, to let them get more blessings for their next lives,” Old Guo explained in a very sad tone . He looked at Ye Shaoyang and continued, “Shaoyang is a Heavenly Master, which means that one strand of hair is a hundred years of virtue… . ” He did not continue to explain, but it seemed like Ye Shaoyang had plucked off out at least ten strands of hair, which meant he had given away at least a thousand years of second life virtue .

“Use the shovels to bury their corpses . . . we can get Xie Yuqing to come later to investigate their identities and return them to their families . ”

In order to clearly see their actions, Ye Shaoyang lit up an altar candle and put it in the corner . The three of them took turns to dig a hole . Then, right after they buried the three corpses, a man’s laughter resounded from above them, “How kind of you three to do this . . . hehehe… . Unfortunately, you’re now fishes in a bowl . ”

These words stunned the trio; they instantly looked up and saw a man looking down the chimney . He appeared to be in his forties . He had a long beard, and even though it was night, the man’s skin was still visibly black .

This predicament shocked Ye Shaoyang, “Gu master?”

The man widely smiled and said in a provoking manner, “Heavenly Master Ye, how does it feel to have my human blood Gu in you?”

Damn it! Ye Shaoyang sighed, he thought that they had successfully raided the mansion, but this was actually a trap .

“Did you kill these women?!” Xiao Ma asked angrily, “Come down and face us if you dare!”

The man laughed coldly, “You think I\'m an idiot? Why don\'t you come up . ”

“You come down! I promise I won\'t beat you to death!”

Ye Shaoyang did not care about their quarrel . Instead, he looked up at the man and asked, “What do you want?”

At the same time, Ye Shaoyang also scanned the room in hope of finding an exit . But unfortunately, there were none . They were really a few fishes in a bowl like the man described . . .

“What I want…? Haha, you know that I\'ve used up quite a bit of my blood to produce that Gu to poison you . So to compensate for that, I would like two things from you . First, the Qixing Dragon Sword and also the Maoshan inner secret manual, the Yunji Heavenly Manual . . . . ”

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