I Am A Legendary BOSS

Chapter 122: Unlimited Occupations

Chapter 122: Unlimited Occupations

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The casino in the City of Dawn was in hot demand.

But what followed the wave of popularity was wails of anguish...

This form of gambling had resulted in a few thousand players losing it all, even their pants. Very few of them managed to successfully win silver equipment, blue equipment, or money.

The Majority did not win any returns. A few dozen of them even starved to death...

But the tycoon also realized that something was wrong. If he spun the wheel 100 times, he had an 80% chance that he would win a set of blue equipment at least once!

“Damn, I’ve lost all my gold coins. The highs and lows of life are too much. I can’t take it anymore!”

“Brother, you are right. Your life is full of highs, lows, lows, lows...”

“...” The person who was being comforted thought deeply about it. His right hand slowly gripped his sword.

“Hey, could it be that someone is controlling the small wheel of fortune from behind the scenes?” Some players started to discuss it.

“Probably not. Though, should we go to the city lord’s office and raise this issue? Maybe get the Lord to comment on this...”

Angry Fatty suddenly appeared and laughed. “Don’t overthink it. The entire city belongs to the Lord, the hotels, the bars, and the casino, everything is his. All this money will go to his treasure vault. Do you still want to go to him for a comment?”

“...” The group of players became speechless at Fatty’s words.

But this was gambling.

It was not forced; it was their decision to keep playing.

Though it was satisfying to win money, and it would be even better to keep winning money...

Of course, if they did not have the resources to spin the wheel 100 times, they should not force themselves. Then they would have to take the risk. They also had to consider how high their Luck was.

Furthermore, the Gods game was balanced. There were no attributes that could be bought from the market.

Interestingly, this lucky draw system seemed to have appeared in the City of Dawn. Other places did not have this...

How should it be said? The players from the human nations had a feeling that they were living very different lives compared to the players in the City of Dawn. It was as if they were playing a different game!

The players from the City of Dawn had the freedom to wander around in the night, gamble, climb the walls of brothels, and admire the guards at a close distance. They could even organize campfire parties outside the city...

And what about the ones in the human nations.

They did not have any money left, and they had to bear their hunger while looking for food. They wandered, looking for missions.

NPCs were very hostile towards them. Every day, new players would be captured by evil mages and warlocks, and they were experimented upon.

When they had been kidnapped, owing to their naivety, the players thought that they had received a Hidden Mission. They did not resist. On the contrary, they even cooperated with their captors.

In the end, they found out that the warlocks wanted to cut them into pieces. They even wanted to capture their souls and research the secret behind their immortality.

This caused many players to be in so much grief that they preferred dying. They started to commit suicide...

Some aristocrats wanted to capture players as their slaves. All this had given birth to resentment towards the human nations in the hearts of the players.

Thankfully, this typically happened in places where public security was poor. If not, many players would delete their accounts and train again...

Furthermore, players naturally had two skills. The first was Insight, and the second was Suicide.

It was as if the mastermind behind Gods had already predicted that the players would be very miserable after their first entry into the game. Thus, they had prepared a skill such as Suicide for the players.

Within a short period of time, the suicide rates of players in the human nations had reached 10 thousand. Though, they were fortunate. If players committed suicide before they reached level 10, their experience would not drop. If not, they would actually delete their accounts.

But the act of committing suicide and reviving afterward also put a stop to the curiosity of the warlocks.

They realized that no matter what they did, they could not stop the chosen ones from committing suicide...

Thankfully, the warlocks were not idiots. Since they could not force the players to do research, then they would lure them instead by offering gains!

After all, the character of the players had become evident in the couple of days they had been in the game. As long as they got experience and money in exchange, they would do anything, including even selling their bodies...

Thus, many players accepted Hidden Missions.

They allowed warlocks to touch... um, research their bodies. They participated in dirty body transactions.

As the days went by,

Like chicks, the players grew up very quickly.

With the help of NPCs, the construction of their quickly finished. Then, many missions started to appear, and the experience they gained exploded. The players also worked hard to build their new district.

After a week, some players had reached level 10. They could now change their occupation and become beginner level professionals.


It was also a difficult choice for many. Indecisive players were conflicted.

There were too many occupations...

In particular, they discovered an important information.

There was no limit on changing occupations...

Thus, for a while, very few people opted for a change in occupation. They suspected that there was a plan behind this. Considering how annoying the Gods game was, it was definitely not something minor.


Someone had started to complain on the forum. It was none other than What Can You Do Against Me, the tycoon who had spun the small wheel of fortune 100 times.

The moment he sent a screenshot of the experience he had gained, the thread exploded...

The experience he needed to upgrade his character, his battle energy, secret books, and skills by one level amounted to a total of 64 thousand...

The observers seemed to have understood, but a new and naive player couldn’t resist asking, “Tycoon, how did you do that? Is it possible that you have a hidden occupation?”

“No, I only used all my battle energy to change my occupation once...”

“You have the money, how impressive...”

What Can You Do Against Me was silent. Then, he sent a final message. “I will return. I am going to delete my account and start again...”

Of course,

This situation was not specific to him,

Many Elfin players had also decided to delete and start again. It was too difficult to gain twice the experience to level up...

Furthermore, if they chose two battle occupations, the experience they needed to level up would only increase. The players who were not so enthusiastic about that also chose to delete their accounts and start again.

In short, the exploration element of Gods harmed many players.

But since it was the early stages of the game, it did not matter much.

As a city lord, William could only encourage these players to try and explore...

As for Angry Fatty, he was an excellent news anchor and had been a participant in the internal testing. He prepared a plan for changing occupations and was going to introduce it.

“Ahem, everyone, I am Angry Fatty!”

He also did not appear on the screen. Instead of his not-so-handsome face, the screen displayed resources about occupations. After all, he was not William. No one was interested in seeing his face...

He continued. “As a seasoned player in the City of Dawn, who had been here in the internal testing, I present to you a plan for changing occupations.

“But, I am not the sole creator. Changli Jiuge from the Glory Club is also involved in this.”

“First, the game Gods does not limit the number of occupations. This means that you can learn all of the occupations.

“But there is something still unclear among all of you. Let me explain. If you have a main battle occupation, and you want to choose a second battle occupation, the amount of experience needed to level up will multiply. Furthermore, battle energy secret books and skills do not level up with skill points. They also require experience.

“Combining these two, you get the amount of experience needed to level up your character!

“Thus, it is best not to have two or more battle occupations. This will cause you to require twice the number of experience to level up. It will also drag the rate at which you will level up.

“If you are an Elfin player, it will be even worse. The amount of experience you will need is going to quadruple ...

“Thus, I give you a simple suggestion.

“Those who are rich and are also willing to work hard can choose to have two battle occupations. You will have enough money for secret books used to change occupations, as well as skills and equipment.”

“It is possible to endure the double experience needed. I have discovered that the pharmacy sells something that gives double experience. They seem to be called pellets. They can significantly reduce the amount of time needed to level up.”

“As for normal players who want to change occupations, choose one main battle occupation, and another lifestyle occupation.”

“If you work hard in your lifestyle occupation, you will be able to produce benefits that will help your main occupation.”

“Next, I will introduce a few characteristics of occupations...”

The live stream went on, and

Angry Fatso also explained in detail the occupations of the NPCs in the City of Dawn.

They were mostly similar to what Fatty’s plans for the players were. Many NPCs had double battle occupations, or one battle occupation and one lifestyle occupation.

Even William, the Lord, was the same,

At the same time, when the first batch of players advanced to level 10.

A small-scale war took place at the border of the Iron Nation and the Black Lava Nation...

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