My House of Horrors

Chapter 1126 - Patient 101 2 in 1

1126 Patient 101 2 in 1

The male visitor from Xin Hai kept his head lowered as he quietly moved his palm around the surroundings as if he was letting the eyeball hidden deep inside the wound of his palm observe the set pieces around him. The black fog with the curse drifted freely, and the blood rain filled with malice and hatred slid down the ceiling. Everywhere, one could see haunted faces that pleaded for mercy as they desperately tried to escape. This was a perfect scene lifted right out from the apocalypse.

“If it is as you guys predicted and all the specters are staying at the haunted house willingly, then why are all the lingering spirits in the black fog crying and shouting for release from this place? I suspect this haunted house is using the Red Specters to enslave the other lingering spirits and baleful Specters. He’s using part of the visitors’ souls as bargaining chips to trade with the Red Specters. After the Red Specters consumed the fear and feelings of the visitors and they were sated, the man used these Red Specters to stabilize the weaker ghosts through brute force. This kind of brusque and under-handed method is even worse than ours.”

The eyeball in the wound on the man’s palm turned several times. The eye appeared to have seen everything it wanted to, and it silently sank deep into the man’s flesh. Then the wound slowly recovered on its own, leaving behind only a bloody thin scar.

“Why would the doctor think that people have the capability of reforming Red Specters? How could these monsters that feed solely on negative emotions and were formed from hatred, pain, and despair be reformed? They hate everything that is good and valuable in this world, and their favorite pastime is destroying everything that is bright and positive.”

Lifting his head up, there was a trace of excitement that crossed the man’s eyes. Looking at the ghost fetus’ scenario that had sunk into chaos, his thin lips slowly curled into a malicious smile.

“This is what a haunted location should look like. The boy that once was has probably been drawn way too deep into the abyss of darkness. He is unable to separate himself from enjoying the sin on this side of humanity anymore.”

The man grabbed his girlfriend’s hand. The latter was like a puppet without a soul. They stood at the back of the group, and the man used a kind of gaze that was filled with pity to look at the other visitors who were still trying their best.

“A ticket price of forty RMB is honestly not that expensive, but the real cost of visiting this haunted house is not the money but your own life. When they leave this place, perhaps something else will have possessed their bodies, and then they will die from some kind of ‘accident’. No one will even think of linking their misfortune to this visit to the haunted house, and no one will even help them report their deaths to the police. These are things that the hospital has done in the past. Hahaha. The dragon-slayer has eventually been corrupted to become a dragon. It is only inevitable.”

The male visitor from Xin Hai appeared to have obtained the information that he needed already, so he prepared to leave. This place made him feel incredibly uncomfortable, so the plan was for him to quietly sneak away before he was exposed. “The doctor should have continued my medication after I have risked so much to enter the tiger’s den to provide for them such valuable information, right?”

At that moment, the male visitor was only thinking of himself. He had no intention of warning the other visitors of the supposed dangers inside Chen Ge’s haunted house. The distance between this couple and the larger group of visitors gradually widened. When Ma Feng and the rest’s attention was placed on Xiao Sun, the two of them turned and walked away directly.

The black fog thickened by the second. The man’s eyes swept over the flickering human faces that appeared on the wall. He seemed to have been reminded of his former self, but there was no sign of pity in his eyes. If anything, they were filled with deep-seated disgust and condescension. Hurrying his foots, when the couple walked past the White Orphanage and came to the Haunted Avenue, they slowly noticed that something was not right. The screaming human faces in the black fog had disappeared, and the surroundings were eerily quiet. It felt like something scarier than the ghosts was hiding inside the black fog, and the presence of this threat prevented the cursed human faces from daring to cry out loud for mercy. They were too scared to do so.

“Have I been exposed?” The man yanked his girlfriend before him. He used his fingernail to scratch open the wound on his palm as if trying to communicate with that eyeball. But before he could summon and awaken that eyeball, a figure slowly appeared from the black fog. He was wearing a uniform that was tattered and covered in blood stains, and his face was covered in very light make-up. The make-up was expertly applied so that it enhanced the handsomeness of the man’s facial features, but as the man looked longer, he realized that it was a face of a dead man that was staring back at him. A very bad feeling arose in the man’s heart. He hid one of his hands behind his back and adjusted his expression so that he looked no different from the other normal visitors.

“Honey, be careful.” He acted like he was trying to protect his girlfriend, but in reality he was using the woman as a human shield. Away from view, strands of black threads were crawling on his arms to travel into the woman’s body like worms. The man in the fog finally walked to stand before them. When the face could be discerned clearly, the man’s nervousness only hiked up further. To cover up his anxiety, he volunteered to speak first. “It is so rare to see the boss entering the scenario himself. Your haunted house is so famous, but the number of employees is so low.”

“The number of employees here is not low, but I would not mind someone lending me ‘a hand’.” Chen Ge stood before the couple. The woman’s expression was no longer as spaced out as before. As if a puppet coming back to hug, she hugged the man’s arm with clear apprehension on her face.

“Looks like the two of you have worked out the argument. Inside the haunted house, you can experience fear that you will not have the chance to experience outside of this place. When facing the danger together, you will be able to tell for sure whether a person is truly reliable or not. Therefore, if you want to tell whether your partner really cares about you or not, bring them on a trip to the haunted house,” Chen Ge said with a smile, revealing his white, shiny teeth. He flipped through the comic in his hand as he casually walked past the couple.

The man’s heart kept on racing until Chen Ge walked past him. His heart practically dropped down to his stomach, and his eyes became as wicked as before. He had no idea why he was so afraid of Chen Ge, but he did not dare to show it in person. He only dared to silently curse the man in his heart. He lifted his feet. Just as he was about to move away, his palm suddenly started to leak with blood!

The eyeball that was hidden inside the wound was spinning wildly out of control as if urging him to leave as soon as possible. The man still did not notice that anything was wrong. Chen Ge, who had just brushed past him, suddenly stopped moving. He turned around and stared at the male visitor with a smile.

“As I mentioned earlier, when facing danger together, you will be able to tell for sure whether a person is truly reliable or not. So, have you faced any real danger today?” The maddening tone, the horrifying smile—after Chen Ge finished that sentence, one baleful Specter and Red Specter after another walked out from the black fog.

Only then did the man realize that Chen Ge had kept all of the Specters inside the comic. When he walked past him earlier, he had been casually ‘dropping’ one Specter after another along the way, and the male visitor found himself surrounded by multiple baleful Specters and Red Specters. The man had focused all of his attention on Chen Ge, so he did not realized that he had fallen into a trap until this very last moment.

This man is too vicious and cunning!

The man lowered his head to look at his palm. Urgency and desperation were plain in his eyes, but to his consternation, just as he turned his focus to his palm, the eyeball in his palm imploded on its own. The blood slid down his wound. The man stood stunned for quite some time on the spot. Only moments later did he realize that he had already been abandoned. The hospital had already obtained all the information that they wanted. To prevent the man from exposing more secrets about the hospital, they actively shattered the eyeball and cut off all the possible clues that might lead back to them.

The decision was surprisingly cruel and resolute; everything was probably planned before the man was sent into Chen Ge’s haunted house. Now that eyeball had shattered, the man had lost all his back up. His support had been cut off. Cold sweat kept pouring out from his forehead.

What do I do now?

Surrounded by multiple baleful Specters and Red Specters, he was not used to this kind of ‘special treatment’.

Since the eyeball had abandoned the man, all he could do was find a way to save himself. Fighting Chen Ge head on was a way to death because he knew Chen Ge was being protected by a Demon God, so the only chance of survival that he had was his identity as a normal visitor. Many witnesses had seen him walk into the haunted house, the image was captured by the cameras, and the other visitors of the same group all knew of his presence. If he suddenly disappeared without a trace, the other visitors would notice. All he could bet on now was that Chen Ge did not dare commit a murder directly inside his haunted house.

He had transformed part of his consciousness inside the curse and hidden it deep inside his brain. This way, even if Chen Ge had another Specter take over his body, he still had a chance of survival. These things were taught to him by the cursed hospital, but it was a Hail Mary solution; it was something that he would not use until he was sure there was no other solution.

“Boss Chen, what are you doing? Why did you suddenly call over so many employees to come after me and my girlfriend? Have we done something to anger you?” The man pulled out the phone from his pocket and switched on the video-recording function. He aimed the camera at the man and ghost around him. “I will have video evidence if you dare lay a finger on us!”

The man was entering the haunted house as a normal visitor. He had no idea how he was exposed, but the only thing he could do now was continue to act in his role as a normal visitor. He could only hope that Chen Ge merely suspected him but did not have any actual evidence that he was a spy sent over by the cursed hospital. If it was only a suspicion, no sane person would go so far as to kill someone to protect their business secret, right?

Seeing the man raise the camera to take a video of them, Chen Ge smiled even brighter. He really did not expect someone from the cursed hospital to resort to something as ridiculous as this.

“If I really touch you, do you plan to pretend to get injured?” Chen Ge had Tong Tong sneak into the man’s phone. After making sure that the man was not connected to the internet and livestreaming, Chen Ge’s expression softened slightly.

“I hope that this is only a misunderstanding. Please move out of my way. We do not wish to continue this tour anymore.” The man’s hand that was holding the camera was shaking. He was trying desperately to keep his composure, but being surrounded by so many baleful Specters and Red Specters, he found that it was almost impossible to do so.

“You have purchased a ticket, but you’ve decided to stop the tour just like that, huh? Is it because you think my haunted house is not scary enough?” Chen Ge used Yin Yang Vision to scan the couple up and down. He wished to find more things related to the cursed hospital on them.

The man was temporarily stumped. He thought for a long time before he said, “It is because it is too scary that we do not want to continue the tour anymore.”

“Even a ghost thinks that a haunted house is scary?”

“I have no idea what you are talking about at all! What nonsense is that!” The man’s tone became desperate. He realized that the baleful Specters and Red Specters were slowly approaching, and they had systematically surrounded him and his girlfriend. “If you do not let us pass, I will... I will call the police!”

“Sure, go ahead. I will give you the chance to call the police now.” Chen Ge wanted to apply as much pressure as he possibly could to see what the cursed hospital would do. But the man had only taken out the video camera to take evidence and now threatened to call the police on him—these actions had made Chen Ge quite speechless. A ghost that was cruel and heartless that had hurt who knew how many people was now playing the victim? That was truly a joke.

Cold sweat slid down the man’s forehead, and his eyes were bloodshot. He gritted his teeth. In the end, his finger moved swiftly on the screen, and he called the emergency number.

“You really made the call?”

The dial tone only rang twice before it was picked up. Before the person on the other line could say anything, the man shouted, “Sir, hurry to New Century Park’s haunted house in Western Jiujiang! I am being held against my will by the haunted house’s boss! He is physically threatening his visitors inside his haunted house! This man is a veritable villain. He completely ignores the authority of the police, and he is proud about it! My name is Cha Wen! You must come and save me! Please remember that my name is Cha Wen!”

The man listed the crime scenes and the culprit within a few sentences. He even repeated his name multiple times, probably hoping that would put a stop to Chen Ge’s dark intentions. This time, not just Chen Ge, but even the surrounding baleful Specters and Red Specters’ expression had turned confused. They all stared at this man who called himself Cha Wen.

“I have already called the police! The police will be here in a minute! If you let me go now, we will call this even, but if you insist on continuing with this bullying, there will be hell to pay. I will have the police shut this place down! Don’t you regret it then!” The man waved the phone in his hand like it was some kind of protective talisman. At the same time, he did not forget to guard the girlfriend behind him. After all, he was playing the role of a loving boyfriend; he had to make the acting convincing.

“Are you sure you have dialed the correct number?” Chen Ge’s chilling voice drifted into the man’s ears.

“How could I get just three digits wrong?” The man was about to argue back when he realized that something was wrong. There was no reply at all from the other side of the line. “Hello? Hello? Hello‽”

Several seconds later, a child’s young voice came from the phone. “I am sorry, the number that you are calling is currently unavailable. Please try again later. Sorry...”

Hearing the child’s voice, an epiphany instantly struck the man. He quickly dropped the phone from his hand. The phone landed with a thud on the ground. The boy’s voice was still coming out from it.

“Looks like you are nothing more than a chess piece who has already been sacrificed. You are not that valuable to the hospital.” Chen Ge waved his hand and had the Red Specters around him move together to apprehend both Cha Wen and his girlfriend. He then sent Zhang Yi right into their bodies. With Zhang Yi’s help, many things that would require much persuasion and energy to complete could be done with a much easier method.

Several minutes later, Zhang Yi crawled out from the man’s head. He had brought some very important information for Chen Ge. This man and woman were truly a couple from Xin Hai. The man’s name was Cha Wen, and the woman’s name was Hua Meimei. They were common citizens. There was nothing wrong about them, but due to some unknown reason, Cha Wen was possessed by Patient 101 from the cursed hospital.

Patient 101 was being told to do these things by his attending doctor. Zhang Yi looked through the memory of Patient 101, and he realized that this patient had a very deep understanding of the cursed hospital. He had stayed at that hospital for almost twenty years. To protect himself from being sacrificed or eaten by others, one could say that the man had no bottom line. The patient knew many hidden secrets at the hospital, and he was smart enough to use that knowledge as protection for himself. Many other patients and doctors were related to him.

Patient 101 was a veritable treasure trove for Chen Ge, but unfortunately, someone had already tempered with Patient 101’s memory. When the eyeball in his palm exploded, the memory of Patient 101 had started to disperse at a rapid pace. The man himself probably did not realize it. Before the cursed hospital sent Patient 101 over to Chen Ge’s haunted house, they had already prepared to abandon him. That was why they had set up so many things.

Even though he only got pieces of the patient’s memory, it was already quite valuable for Chen Ge. The hospital was far scarier than he expected. Patient 101 had stayed at the hospital for two decades already, so the hospital itself might have existed much longer than that. No one knew when the hospital was first built, and no one knew what it began as.

Too much time had passed since then. Patient 101 only remembered, at the time, the hospital director wanted to build a place without pain and despair. He treated the doctors and the patients as family, but one day, the hospital director changed.

He tore off the faces of his own children and gave them the name non-smilers.

He then proceeded to trap his other family members behind the door and made all those who had comments about his ideology into ‘medicine’.

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