Divine Hack System

Chapter 40 - Over 100 Monsters!

Chapter 40 - Over 100 Monsters!

On the way to the Bronze 3 Stars monster zone, Leo was actually quite disappointed with the amount of Exp he received.

Before Bronze 3 Stars monsters earned him an average of 250 experience points, while now they were only yielding 20 points. Considering that the Experience points were being shared by 5 people, Leo would receive a maximum of 100 points if he was hunting alone.

On the other hand, Leo noticed a very good change that happened to him.

Since he rose to Bronze 4 Stars, the ease with which he hunted monsters had gotten a lot greater.

Leo realized that if he didn\'t need to run to get the arrow after killing the monster, he could kill hundreds of monsters a day.

So by stepping up to Bronze 4 Stars, what he lost in the quality of experience he could get for each monster, he can make up for it with the amount of Experience he gets for killing a lot more monsters in the same amount of time.

Another good news was that he began to learn to cooperate with others awaken.

By becoming a soldier in the army, despite having a lot of freedom, that freedom had to be earned through a high mission completion rate.

He would likely have to cooperate with other Awakens at some point in the future, so having that experience of hunting with other Awakens was something that would be very useful for him in the future.

With a group of Awaken with him, Leo didn\'t need to tire himself as much to maintain a high hunting pace, with so many people they could hunt much more calmly and still have a lot of monsters hunted for them.

Arriving in the Bronze 4 Stars monster zone, the group became much more attentive, since the strength of most of them only Bronze 4 Stars.

They knew that any carelessness they had when dealing with Bronze 4 Stars monsters they could probably die or be seriously injured. Dealing with just one monster was fine, the problem was if they had to link up with a large group of Bronze 4 Stars monsters.

In that case, maybe not even Dave who was an Awaken Bronze 5 Stars could help that much.

"Very well, Leo, as your range of perception is greater than Charlie\'s, only you will be in charge of finding the closest monsters. Charlie, you stay close to Leo to ensure his safety, as you are the only one who can keep up with Leo\'s speed at some unforeseen moment." Dave gave the orders as the most experienced leader of the team, and all the other boys listened.

At this point, in order not to put anyone\'s safety at risk, Leo proceeded to tell the monsters\' locations even further away.

While before he only warned about monsters within 20 meters of him, now he started to warn when monsters were 30 meters away, but of course, he still kept an eye on monsters further away, in case any monsters noticed them, even if the monster was at 90 meters Leo would tell them to get ready.

After a few minutes of running, Leo spotted a group of 4 four-legged monsters that looked like wolves. He knew these weren\'t the Frost Monkeys they had decided to hunt, so he just ignored them and kept looking for the monkeys.

The group had decided that they would only hunt the quest monster while other monsters that appeared they would only fight if necessary, to ensure everyone\'s safety.

If Leo was alone, he would kill that pack of wolves for sure, but to prevent anyone from getting hurt he just ignored and guided the pack to a detour as they headed in the approximate direction of where the monkeys lived.

In just 10 minutes Leo saw the red outline of a huge group of monkeys.

He was so shocked that he stopped and raised his hand as he looked at the amount of red outlines and tried to count how many monsters there were.

Seeing Leo stop, Dave got worried and asked Leo. "What happened Leo?"

Leo closed his eyes and pretended to hear the noises, but because of the Wall-Hack, regardless of whether he had his eyes open or closed, he could see the outline of the monsters, after all, the Wall-Hack made the outline of things go through trees and walls, crossing his eyelid was very simple.

Seeing that Leo closed his eyes and motioned for them to be silent, all the other boys fell silent as they looked at Leo with worried expressions.

Within seconds Leo finished counting and discovered that there were 80 Frost Monkeys in the group he saw.

He had never encountered a group of monsters as large as this group of Frost Monkeys. If they were found by these monsters, they could hardly get out alive, maybe only Leo with Speed-Hack activated at maximum could run away from these monsters, since the agility with Speed-Hack Level 07 could be equivalent to an Awaken Bronze 5 Stars on the threshold to reach Pure Silver 1 Star.

But he wouldn\'t abandon his companions, so he preferred to warn everyone in advance.

The monkeys were within 80 meters of them. Leo only realized now that there were 80 monkeys because that\'s how many he saw when approaching 20 meters from these monsters, but he imagined that the closer he got, the more monkeys he would see.

"I can hear the noise of a lot of monsters in that direction. I\'d say there are probably hundreds of them, as I can hear them at this distance." Leo said with a serious expression.

Hearing this the other boys were shocked, 100+ Bronze 4 Stars monsters was something they should be worried about, but Dave still kept his cool and asked Leo.

"Can you identify what species these monsters are?"

Leo thought for a while and pretended to try to hear the difference between the monsters.

Seeing that Leo was concentrating on trying to hear the monsters, the other four boys stayed quiet so as not to interrupt him.

After a while Leo opened his eyes and made a happy expression. "I\'m 85% sure they\'re monkeys, and from the location we\'re in, they\'re probably Frost Monkeys."

Hearing this the other boys were also excited, while Dave relaxed to hear that they were Frost Monkeys, if they were other monsters they would have big problems trying to deal with it, but as they were Frost Monkeys he already knew a strategy to hunt this type of monster. .

"As they are Frost Monkeys we shouldn\'t be too worried, these monsters usually live in large communities as Leo described, normally they live in groups of 300 to 400 Frost Monkeys." Dave explained to the other boys as it was the first time they had hunted this type of monster.

"The Frost Monkeys are very smart, that\'s why they manage to have such large communities in the forest, so MU has to delegate many tasks to the students to hunt these monkeys to decrease their population, otherwise they would dominate the forest and destroy the ecosystem from here." Dave explained.

Leo soon understood what Dave was getting at and guessed what he was going to say. "So since MU always delegates missions to kill Frost Monkeys and they are always in a large community, a strategy has already been defined for the most efficient way to separate these monkeys from the rest of their group and kill the amount needed for the task without running so much danger, right?"

Hearing this Dave was shocked. He wouldn\'t be too surprised if the other students deduced this, since they had been at MU for 1 or 2 years, but Leo who just arrived at MU yesterday already has that kind of deduction ability was amazing.

\'This boy has a great future.\' Dave mentally sighed as he compared himself to Leo. When he had just joined MU, his mentality was much more childish than Leo\'s, being quite arrogant for his talent and leaving many important things aside.

Before long Dave had been taught that there were many more talented and intelligent people than he was, causing him to begin to dedicate himself with much more humility to learning than when he arrived.

But Leo hadn\'t even attended any classes yet and he already had that mindset, with the usefulness he saw Leo had, all the Awaken would want him in the group, since he was practically a human monster radar.

If Leo hadn\'t said that his Quirk was getting all the shots right, and he hadn\'t proved while hunting that he was really perfect at it, Dave would have thought Leo\'s Quirk would be something like a radar.

"Yes, that\'s exactly what you said, Leo." Dave nodded with a smile, causing the other boys to also be surprised to see Leo who was a year or two younger than them being so smart.

"Although it\'s not just a strategy, because as Frost Monkeys are very smart, if we just used a single strategy they would soon learn it and it wouldn\'t be more effective. So the teachers with the veterans of the past who hunted these monsters developed several strategies. that can be used in different situations, giving us a variety of options." Dave explained.

Leo raised an eyebrow, understanding that Dave was right.

pᴀɴdᴀ nᴏveʟ But despite the difficulty of hunting these monsters, Leo was excited.

His last challenge was to hunt Vulpi, which was a Bronze 4 Stars monster, but now he would hunt a large group of Bronze 4 Stars monsters, which made him even more excited since dealing with such a smart group while trying to cooperate with his teammates it would be a lot of fun.

\'I\'ll take the opportunity to learn as much as possible from Dave to come hunting alone later.\' Leo thought excitedly as he looked at his Speed-Hack and Inventory-Hack that lacked a lot of experience to level up.

\'The Inventory-Hack will take a long time to level up, but maybe I can raise the Speed-Hack to the maximum level before classes start.\' Leo thought.

MU classes would start next week, as today was Tuesday, he would have 5 days until Sunday to hunt and try to get enough experience to raise Speed-Hack to max level, then he could raise Inventory-Hack to the maximum level for the rest of the month.

\'I can split my time into hunting in the morning and in the afternoon, while leaving the evening part to have fun playing with the boys or going out to meet other people, so I can balance both rest and fun, while continuing to get stronger. !\' Leo was right to think about it.

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