Daddy Fantasy World Restaurant

Chapter 682 - This is Super Expensive Steak

Chapter 682 This is Super Expensive Steak


Old Man Ian had just exploded into a thunderous rage and appeared to want nothing better than to burn down Mag’s restaurant, yet all of a sudden, he was praising Mag’s dish; all of the fury on his face had completely faded as he dined on this irresistible steak. This sudden mood swing had everyone’s jaws dropping to the ground.

However, smiles soon appeared on everyone’s faces. Everything made sense. After all, anyone who tasted Mag’s food revered him as a Chef God, so who would dare to get angry at him? If he were to ban someone from his restaurant for disorderly conduct, it would be a massive loss for them.

In the kitchen, a smile had also appeared on Mag’s face. He was confident in the ability of his cooking to dispel all doubts and judgment.

“Aisha, you were spot on with your ‘delicious’ premonition again. I’m pretty sure you have a 100% success rate there.” Yabemiya nudged Sally’s arm with a vibrant smile on her face.

“This is the voice of the heart, and it can’t be repressed.” Sally also wore a smile on her face.

Meanwhile, Brooker was staring at Ian with a peculiar look on his face. He had never seen anything like this happen before. His master rarely flew into a rage like this, yet whenever he did, it would always take him a very long time to cool down. However, on this occasion, the flames of his fury seemed to have been entirely doused in the blink of an eye.

Of course, it was even rarer to see his master swallow his words like this.

Is the steak really that delicious? This restaurant owner’s cooking must truly be amazing to have even Master this absorbed in his meal. Brooker was gulping down mouthfuls of drool as he inhaled the rich aroma wafting toward him from Ian’s steak.

“Here are your Yangzhou fried rice and tofu puddings. Please enjoy.” Right at this moment, Yabemiya made her way over to their table with a Yangzhou fried rice and two tofu puddings, one sweet and one savory.

“Thank you.” Brooker nodded absentmindedly in response. His attention had been completely drawn to the colorful fried rice on the table before him.

Even though the aroma emanating from the fried rice wasn’t as rich as that of the steak, there seemed to be more complexity in the aroma from the multitude of ingredients in the dish. As such, despite that the fact that it didn’t smell as stimulating as the steak did, it still intrigued him in a completely different way.

All of the ingredients had been chopped to the same size as the grains of rice, yet there was clear separation between every single grain of rice and secondary ingredients, creating a very clean and beautiful sight to behold.

Brooker had never seen any dish like this before, and its irresistible aroma prompted him to pick up his spoon as he tasted his first mouthful of fried rice.

The freshly cooked fried rice was still quite hot, but Brooker paid no heed to the slightly scorching sensation in his mouth as he basked in the overwhelming joy that his taste buds were experiencing.

The fragrance of chopped green onions and eggs tickled his nose, the texture of grain-sized shrimp and ham was so smooth, and the egg-coated rice had a sweet flavor after being chewed well. Taste of every ingredient melted in his mouth and tickled his taste buds. Even when it was all swallowed, his mouth was still full of aroma.

“This is incredible! How can there possibly be such delicious food in this world? Is this really rice?!”

After looking at the menu previously, he’d discovered that the Yangzhou fried rice was one of the cheapest dishes. However, it still cost 600 copper coins per portion, and that struck Brooker with the impression that this restaurant owner was overcharging his customers.

However, after having his first mouthful of fried rice, Brooker’s opinion had completely changed. 600 copper coins was an absolute bargain! Even after all of the ingredients had been chopped to the size of grains of rice, their flavors were still distinctly discernible, and that seemed simply incredible to him.

He was Ian’s butler, which made him the most prominent butler in the Buffett Family, so his monthly wage was quite substantial, and he even had two shops under his name.

He had already decided that the next time he had some free time, he was going to come back to taste this Yangzhou fried rice again. If he could have a bowl of this fried rice every day, he felt as if there was nothing more he could ask for in life.


Ian’s knife and Brooker’s spoon clinked on their respective empty plates almost in unison. The two of them looked at each other, and Brooker silently picked up his plate to lick it clean.

“Don’t be such an embarrassment.”

Ian pursed his lips, but even he couldn’t resist the urge to pick up a tiny shred of steak left on the plate with his fingers before placing it in his mouth.

Brooker chuckled internally upon seeing this. Ian was scoffing at him for licking his plate, yet what he was doing really wasn’t much more dignified or refined.

“Master, were you satisfied with that meal?” Brooker asked with a smile. After that question escaped his lips, he felt as if he had just said something completely redundant. He had never seen Ian clear his plate in such a thorough manner; there wasn’t even a single piece of vegetable left on his plate.

Ian put down his silverware as he nodded, and said, “I’ve never had such delicious beef. It’s truly the best of the best, just like the wine used.”

“Then, what about the wine?” Brooker asked with a slightly nervous expression. If the wine brewed by Mag really was superior to even the best wine produced by the Buffett Winery, then that certainly wasn’t good news for them.

Brooker had asked the question in a very quiet voice, but all of the nearby customers were listening intently for Ian’s answer. There were many wealthy individuals among the customers present, but none of them had a better understanding of wine than Ian. As such, his review was very much worth listening to.

Ian considered this question for a moment before nodding as he replied, “Even though I only tasted the wine in this beef, I can tell from the fragrance, flavor, and texture that this wine is definitely not inferior to the A-grade wine brewed by the Buffett Winery. In fact, it could well even be superior.”

“A-grade wine is the best wine from the Buffett Winery that’s sold to the public! Each bottle costs at least 200,000 copper coins!”

“Oh my God, that’s way too extravagant! These steaks are being marinated using A-grade wine? As expected, Boss Mag really is something else!”

“I had thought that the beer would be Boss Mag’s most brilliant alcoholic creation, but it looks like I’ve still underestimated him. He’s going to kill the alcohol industry at this rate!”

Ian didn’t try to keep his voice down at all, so his review immediately sent a massive stir running through the restaurant. All of the customers who had ordered steaks were looking at them with new eyes.

Black pepper, which was widely renowned as black gold, A-grade wine, and beef from the 4th-tier magic beast, the Ironhide Bull; all of these extraordinary ingredients had come together to culminate in a super expensive steak.

Everyone felt as if they were swallowing dragon coins with each mouthful.

Of course, these steaks were far more delicious than dragon coins.

The seemingly ordinary steak at first glance was far from ordinary, and consuming it struck one with a sense of comfort and bliss that also contributed to enhancing its flavor.

His personality is a little odd, but he definitely is a righteous old man. Mag nodded with a smile upon hearing Ian’s words in the kitchen. The fact that he was able to provide such a glowing review just from eating this steak was sufficient to indicate the acuity of his professional judgment when it came to wine.

“Master, here’s your savory tofu pudding.” Brooker set the steak plate aside and replaced it with the savory tofu pudding that Ian had ordered.

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