Julietta's Dressing Up

Chapter 63 63. Julietta Iris Kiellini, Part I

Chapter 63. Julietta Iris Kiellini, Part I

Translator: Khan

Editor: Aelryinth

5. Julietta Iris Kiellini


The sound of a firearm going off in the woods sent the birds in the trees flying in unison.

Killian fired a hunting rifle into the air to bring together the scattered group. Killian and his group were making a preliminary inspection around the course as they visited the forest where a hunting competition was to be held.

"It\'s for a light entertainment, so I think this much preparation would be enough," Killian praised the person who was in charge of the hunting competition, and turned his horse to a tent for rest.

Adam waited to greet a group of people who came back with a list of invitees."It looks like it\'s going to be bigger than last year."

"We can\'t help it, uninvited guests are rushing in like they\'ve promised," Killian replied disapprovingly, and leapt off the back of a giant horse that was still in a state of excitement after running through the forest in a long time. The deer that the knights had taken for trial were brought in and displayed in front of the tent.

"I don\'t like this swarming around in this way and killing animals meaninglessly." Oswald put a handkerchief sprinkled with perfume on his nose to avoid the shallow smell of blood, and managed to get off his horse with the help of a knight while complaining. He was afraid of getting the forest soil on his shoes; it had become wet and damp because of the rain pouring down in the morning, and he managed to get into the tent unscathed.

Watching his boisterous behavior with a smile, Killian took off his hunting gloves and ordered a servant to bring tea.

Inside the tent, which was covered by the fur of a black leopard caught three years ago, a chair with a green silk cover and a marble table made of ivory had been placed, along with a cabinet with jeweled decorations on one side. Oswald was relieved to see the familiar objects, and sat down opposite Killian and Adam.

Adam made invidious remarks at Oswald, who had learned from Sir Albert to wipe away the sweat with a lace handkerchief and prepare a finger bowl, a small bowl of water for cleaning the fingers.

Oswald waved his handkerchief deliberately at Count Adam, and grumbled, "So, you should have remained in the castle, but why did you insist on following us?"

"I prefer a hunting ground to deal with Lady Anais, and I want to give some comfort to Count Valerian." Oswald washed his hands in the finger bowl the servant had prepared, and then raised them gracefully to mimic a toast.

Ian, who had taken the position of a servant for Killian temporarily, prepared tea in a hurry and put it down in front of the master, but Killian was startled after he took a sip of the slightly bitter Duren tea. Oswald and Adam were grumbling at it, but also tasted the tea.

"Oh! The tea tastes better today, and Ian wants to be promoted to your servant."

At Oswald\'s praise, Ian answered cautiously, serving tea, "No, sir. How dare I covet the servant\'s position of His Highness. You ran your horse and came here, and you feel the tea tastes better."

Ian was a distant relative of Albert and had begun working last year. The young man had turned nineteen this year, and had been serving for the Prince since the dinner on the first day of his arrival in Bertino, but it was the first time Killian had taken a close look at him, as he was apparently quiet.

Ian\'s tea-boiling skill was incomparable to the tea Jeff and Julietta had made. Killian began to closely observe the servant who calmly responded to Oswald\'s raucous praise and stepped back.

"You should be more careful about hiring people these days. Wouldn\'t he be better than hiring a new servant?"

Adam noticed Killian\'s intentions, and spoke low, "Shall Oswald look into him?"

Killian nodded to Oswald after being asked if he would investigate Ian\'s background.

"This is how Jeff\'s position is lost." Oswald shook his head as if he were sorry.

"No, Jeff\'s place remains the same. However, unlike before, he will be under surveillance."

"You also think it was done by Baroness Lanolf." Adam nodded as he accepted the words about the person who had slandered Julietta behind the scenes. "We should trace her to the end, whether she was masterminded or driven by greed."

It was even more frightening to see his smile as he drank tea gracefully, so Oswald prayed for the repose of Baroness Lanolf in advance.

"If I return to the castle, I will give Julietta an official direct assignment as a concubine."

"Your Highness!"

Adam opened his mouth to protest, but Killian\'s right hand flashed up as if to stop.

"I will never let any danger fall to the safety of the maid and the people around me again. And I will be the next Emperor to protect my people from danger."

Adam and Oswald sprang to their feet and saluted the formal declaration of Killian.

"Your Highness, have you finally made up your mind? This Oswald will do his best to help you wear the golden crown."

"It\'s the happiest day of my life. Of course, I\'m sure that there will be more joyful days to come."

Killian received the bows of the two loyalists, and ordered them to stand up.

"I believe there will be no minor danger in Julietta\'s future."

"Of course, Your Highness."

"Of course, Your Highness. We\'ll prepare a wedding ceremony as soon as we get back to the castle."

It was time for Killian to laugh satisfactorily at the answer. The voice of Count Valerian who was supposed to be dealing with the Marquis in the castle was heard outside.

"Your Highness, it\'s Charles. I have something urgent to say. May I come in?"

The eyes of the three met.

"Don\'t tell me, has Prince Francis arrived already?" Oswald murmured unhappily.

"Until we left the castle, there was no word that the Prince and his party had entered the castle of Ricaren. He might have come into the castle rudely without contact."

Adam also frowned and disapproved.

"I\'ll see what\'s going on. Come in."

With Killian\'s permission, Charles came in, flapping his cloak.

"Charles Ebert Valerian sees Your Highness."

"All right. Say what you want."

Killian hastened Count Valerian who observed courtesy.

"Your Highness, this is a message from Sir Albert. It says that the maid Julietta disappeared from the castle. After he delivered your order to her, she completely disappeared."


At the words of Count Valerian, Killian jumped up, hitting the table. "Do you think she was kidnapped by a group of people plotting?"

At Killian\'s urgent words, Valerian\'s expression slightly hardened in embarrassment.

"The maid\'s personal belongings disappeared with her. I don\'t think it\'s kidnapping."

Killian, wearing a cape and gloves handed by Ian, hurried to the entrance of the tent, stopped and looked back at the Count.

"Her belongings are gone?"

"Yes, Your Highness."

As Valerian bowed his head in a much-obliged manner, Killian\'s expression was slightly loosened.

"She has run away."

"Run away? Why the hell?"

Killian thought for a moment, slamming his boots with a horse whip.

"My street cat doesn\'t seem to like the newly prepared cage."

\'Huh, she refused the courtship of the most popular and beautiful man in Austern, Prince Bertino.\'

While Oswald muttered an unknowingly mournful sound, Adam\'s face brightened. "Oh, that\'s too bad."

"Adam, remove the smile from your mouth and say what you intend."

At Killian\'s words, Adam quickly changed his face. "Valerian, close the castle\'s gates and send a man to the border. Has anyone seen her leave the castle?"

"We have thoroughly questioned the guards of the main and rear gates of the castle and the entrance of the servants and maids, but no one saw her escape. She should have been noticed by someone."

At the words of Valerian, Killian went out of the tent and climbed up the prepared horse, saying,

"I want you to investigate again. Find a slim woman with red hair, not the usual fat figure. Search the whole capital city thoroughly and find her by tonight. Let\'s go back to the castle."

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